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Foresight Nanotech Institute Weekly News Digest: October 26, 2005

In this issue:

  • Foresight Nanotech Institute Prize Winners
  • Foresight Nanotechnology Challenges – Related News & Events
  • Advancing Beneficial Nanotechnology Conference – This was a great conference. Check out nanodot for commentary
  • Thanks to our conference sponsors
  • Foresight Partners
  • Nanotech Events & News
  • Editor’s Pick

Foresight Nanotech Institute Awards Feynman Prizes

Researchers, Journalist, Government Official and Student Honored at Advanced Nanotechnology Conference

Foresight Nanotech Institute, the leading think tank and public interest organization focused on nanotechnology, awarded prizes to leaders in research, communication, government and study in the field of nanotechnology at the 13th Foresight Conference Advancing Beneficial Nanotechnology: Focusing on the Cutting Edge. Over 100 influential scientists, researchers and nanotechnology professionals gathered to honor the recipients of these prestigious awards at the Foresight Institute Feynman Prize Awards Banquet on October 26, 2005.

The 2005 Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes, named in honor of pioneer physicist Richard Feynman, were presented to Drs. Christian Schafmeister and Christian Joachim. The Foresight Prize in Communication was presented to nanotechnology website editor Rocky Rawstern. Congressman Mike Honda (D-California) was presented with the inaugural award of the Foresight Government Prize. Graduate student Christopher Levins received the Foresight Distinguished Student Award.

Follow this link to read the complete press release:

Foresight Nanotechnology Challenges

Foresight has articulated six critical challenges that humanity faces which can be addressed by nanotechnology. In the Weekly News Digest we identify news items, research breakthroughs, and events citing current research and applications providing the stepping stones to solutions to these challenges.

Foresight Note: This week we are citing quotes from the panels and presentations at our conference which covered Foresight Nanotechnology Challenges: In the coming weeks, we will post many of these panels and presentations on our website. As audio becomes available we will mention this in future news digests. The Foresight Nanotech News Digest will resume its regular format of covering news and events next week - Thank you!

1. Meeting global energy needs with clean solutions

Panel: Nanotech for clean energy
Moderated by Norm Wu, Managing Director, Alameda Capital

Clark Gellings, VP Innovation, Electric Power Research Institute
"We at EPRI look for what is most promising to solve our current energy challenges. One area is thermo electrics, the direct conversion of electricity from heat. Nanotechnology applications are promising here. Imagine generating electricity without rotating machinery. A very exciting prospect."

Malcolm O'Neill, VP and CTO, Lockheed Martin
"That is the crux of the issue of the "Valley of Death." You have to have someone ready to receive this technology and integrate it into his system. He has a requirement to deploy a system at a certain cost with certain reliability within a certain number of years. You have to convince him that including your technology to his advantage to include it in his system."

BJ Stanbery, CEO, HelioVolt
"Will solar become a significant source of power of the world? We consider it inevitable. Solar power today is about retrofit. This is the beginning of a mass market. Half of the cost of solar systems is installation. I think the future of photovoltaics as power buildings. By incorporating photovoltaics in building materials we have the opportunity to offset the cost of installation and what we are selling is building construction materials as opposed to energy."

Michael Pak, President and CEO, Nexnergy
"We are trying to come up with a disruptive and next generation methodology to try to fully leverage, high speed through put experimental to combined with predictable tools. This could save a lot of time and money."

News coverage from conference:
Headline: The key to fresh water: Imitation spleen proteins
News source: ZDNet by Michael Kannellos

2. Providing abundant clean water globally

Panel: Nanotech for clean water
Moderated by: Anthony Waitz, Managing Partner, Quantum Insight

William Lee, President and CEO, eMembrane
"eMembrane is four year old start up company. We are using our core technology, nanobrushes, to provide custom filtration. We can customize to filter for heavy metals, viruses and bacteria that apply to each water situation."

Kevin McGovern, Chairman, McGovern & Associates (for KX Industries)
"There are several issues globally regarding water and nano. what we on this panel are trying to overcome. Currently 1.3 billion people currently lack access to clean water globally.

"There are several issues that nano solutions need to overcome. This includes the separation and elimination of viruses; the technology needs to be extremely durable, easily applicable, self contained, a closed system, and offered at a price point that is attractive globally."

Fred Tepper, President, Argonide
"I founded Argonide to develop nanopowders, based on Russian technology. This technology is a process of making metal nanopowders that can be used for a wide variety of applications. Because of my background in filtration, I invented a filtration system that is patented. We anticipate introducing a filter that absorbs arsenic in 2006."

News coverage from conference:
Headline: The world's biggest problem? Dirty water, say some
News source: CNet by Michael Kannellos

3. Increasing the health and longevity of human life

Presentation: Dendrimer Technology: A Nanoscale Delivery Platform for the Identification and Treatment of Cancer
Robert Berry, CEO, Dendritic Nanotechnologies
"Where does nanotechnology fit with cancer? Size makes a huge difference in our ability to provide a targeted receptor based diagnostic and therapeutic delivery system. This happens at the nanoscale."

4. Maximizing the productivity of agriculture

Presentation: Maximizing productivity of agriculture
Peter Singer, Director, University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics, Canada
"We conducted a study where we asked 63 panelist in 26 countries what they thought were the Top Ten' nanotech challenges. Four out of the ten were directly related to nanotechnology and agriculture, which was pretty surprising."
Link to study

Panel: Nanotech for Food Production and Reducing the Environmental "Footprint" of Agriculture
Moderated by Peter Singer, Director, University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics, Canada

Norman Scott, Dept. of Biological & Environmental Engineering, Cornell University
"Agriculture has always been seen as food. For the future, I want to suggest that agriculture is much more than food. And as we move through this century, agriculture should be viewed as the natural raw material supplier for bio-industries and renewable energy. That will play a major role in our transition to a sustainable world."
Norman Scott

Aaron Wagoner, Director of Research and Development, Natural Nano
"Our naturally found halloysite nanotubes will impact agriculture through increased crop yields and reduce the cost of farming though controlled release of herbicides, pesticides and fungicides."

News coverage from conference:
Headline: The next big nanotech product, according to start-up, Natural Nano, will be dug out of the ground
News source: ZDNet by Michael Kannellos

5. Making powerful information technology available everywhere

Nanotech for Ubiquitous, Inexpensive Information Technology
John Gates, Director, Nanofabrication Dept, Bell Labs and VP New Jersey Nanotechnology Consortium
"I want to tell you a little bit about some of the facilities we have at Bell Labs. Our nanotech lab consists of 20,000 square feet is completely dedicated to nanotechnology. The team is approximately 20 individuals with over combined 400 man years of experience in processing going be to the CMOS area so it is very easily for us to migrate across electronic integration, MEMs and nanotechnology."

6. Enabling the development of space

From Carbon Nanotubes to the Space Elevator
Michael Laine, President, Liftport Group
"There have been and are advances continually being made expansively and quickly. As the result of NASA study, we began to work on this for real about three years ago. At the moment, there is nothing strong enough to make the space elevator and but there is work being done that is promising. We have a long way to go but it is appears to be doable."

News coverage from conference:
Headline: Nano skyscrapers may precede space elevator
News source: ZDNet by Michael Kannellos

Advancing Beneficial Nanotechnology

Focusing on the Cutting Edge
13th Foresight Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology

October 22-27, 2005
San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel

The 13th Foresight Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology is almost over. Throughout the six days, students, visionaries, scientists, business professionals, venture capitalists and policy makers exchanged ideas in a personable and congenial atmosphere. The conference presenters described cutting edge research, discussed policy concerns, examined applications and provided some serious ethical considerations. If you weren't able to attend, this is a must for next year.

Visit our blog Nanodot written by Christine Peterson for further comments about various sessions and join the discussion.

Thanks to Our Conference Sponsors:

Prestige Sponsor:

Platinum Sponsors:
The Waitt Family Foundation
Biophan Technologies
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
Draper Fisher Jurvetson
Nanoscience Technologies, Inc.
Nanorex, Inc.
Sun Microsystems

Gold Sponsors:
Buchanan Ingersoll
Foley & Lardner LLP
Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin
White & Case
Piper Rudnick Gray Cary

Silver Sponsors:
Greenberg Traurig
nanoTITAN Incorporated

Become a Foresight Nanotech Institute Member

Foresight Nanotech Institute offers membership levels appropriate to meet the needs and interests of individuals and companies. To find out more about membership follow this link:

Foresight Partners

If you attend or use any of our partners' events or services, please tell them you heard about it from Foresight Nanotech Institute.

November 1, 2005 – Venture Capital Investing in India
Sponsored by International Business Forum (IBF)
San Francisco, California

With the country's 15-year-old reforms process taking effect, India is poised to be one of the fastest growing economies and is a current target for the VC community. Aided by a maturing domestic market and a projected 6-plus percent GDP growth rate, India’s stock markets are booming like never before, which now offers VCs the best promises of returns from the country to date. Consistent growth in the Indian IT market contribute to a continued climb in venture capital investments and with the rising number of US investments as a backdrop, IBF is proud to present its first India Venture Investing Conference.

News Digest reader discount – read below:

November 10-11, 2005 – NASA Tech Briefs Nano Engineering Conference
Sponsored by NASA
Newton, Massachusetts

This fall, we invite you to discover how the world’s leading minds are applying nanotechnology to critical global challenges such as combating terrorism, finding a cure for cancer and reducing the world’s energy costs. During the two-day event over 30 presentations will focus on cutting-edge solutions in the aerospace, communications, electronics, environmental technology, bio-medicine, security, defense and energy industries. Keynote speakers include Keith Blakely, CEO of NanoDynamics, Inc. and David Bishop, VP of Nanotechnology Research for Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies. Foresight News Digest subscribers can receive a 10 percent discounted registration by going to and entering promotional code: foresight.

December 4-9, 2005 – 19th Large Installation Systems Administration Conference
Sponsored by USENIX & SAGE
San Diego, California

The annual LISA conference is the meeting place of choice for system, network, database, storage, security, and all other computer-related administrators. Administrators of all specialties and levels of expertise meet at LISA to exchange ideas, sharpen old skills, learn new techniques, debate current issues, and meet colleagues and friends.

Nanotech Events & News

Awards Nominations: Deadline December 31, 2005
Nominations Being Accepted for Prestigious "Green Chemistry" Awards

EPA is now accepting nominations for the 2006 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards. These awards recognize innovative chemical technologies that incorporate green chemistry into chemical design, manufacture and use — and that have broad applications in industry. Nominated technologies should reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances from a chemical product or process. Any individual, group or organization, both nonprofit and for-profit, including academics, government and industry, may nominate a green chemistry technology for these awards. Self-nominations are welcome and expected. Typically, five awards are given each year: one to an academic researcher, one to a small business, and the others to larger companies for specific areas of green chemistry. Each nominated technology must have reached a significant milestone within the past five years in the United States. For examples of last year's nominations and award winners, see:
EPA awards link
For more information, see:

Headline: Professor Uses Nano to Inspire Students
News source: Smalltimes & The Monitor by David L. Tijerina

Karen Lozano spends most of her time paying attention to the little things.

But since 2000, she also has focused on the bigger picture: specifically, on filling the nation's huge need for more engineers.

Lozano, an associate professor in the mechanical engineering department at the University of Texas-Pan American, is using her research in nanotechnology to help inspire student research assistants she began hiring in 2000 to pursue masters or doctoral degrees in engineering.

Lozano's goal is to help the United States catch up to countries like China, Japan and Taiwan, which are producing more engineers. Many in engineering and science circles fear that if the United States does not produce more engineers, it will lose its world dominance technologically in the future.
Original article

Headline: Science reaches out to students: Institute sparks interest through nanotechnology exhibition at UCLA
News source: Daily Bruin by Shauntel Lowe

Pennies and an aluminum tray with foam and magnets floating in an inch of water, members of the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA outreach program are attempting to enrich overall science education throughout Los Angeles County and inspire a new generation of high school students to pursue science degrees in college.

November 1-3, 2005 - NanoCommerce & SEMI NanoForum
Chicago, Illinois

November 17-18, 2005 - Applications of Nanobiology to Biodefense: Diagnostics, Detection, Therapeutics, and Biodefense Immunology
Rockville, Maryland

Editor’s Pick

Dear readers — When reviewing news for this digest, I often read about something that I think is cool, but it doesn't fit within the usual editorial categories of the News Digest. This section highlights a nanotech advance or idea that I think is especially cool. In this case I am lauding a small action that might turn into a promising future.


Two articles mentioned above focus on encouraging young scientists and engineers to pursue their studies. At our 13th Foresight conference, Scott Hubbard, Director of NASA Ames Research Center, gave an inspiring talk about on the State-of-the-Art Nanotechnology for Space: Near-Term and Long-Term. In his speech he mentioned that most of the engineers and scientists that worked on the Apollo space project were in their mid-20s.

At a reception following Dr. Hubbard's presentation, Foresight was approached by four engineering physics students (average age 22 years). They inquired if Foresight could assist them in getting a tour of the NASA Ames Research Center facilities.

I want to thank Dr. Hubbard's office for arranging a tour for these four individuals on very short notice. Let's hope this type of encouragement will inspire these 20-something scientists to great nanoscience accomplishments.

About The Foresight Nanotech Institute Weekly News Digest

The Foresight Nanotech Institute Weekly News Digest is emailed every week to 15,000 individuals in more than 125 countries. Foresight Nanotech Institute is a member-supported organization. We offer membership levels appropriate to meet the needs and interests of individuals and companies. To find out more about membership follow this link:

Judy Conner, Director of Communications at Foresight Nanotech Institute, is the editor of the Foresight Nanotech Institute Weekly News Digest. If you would like to submit a news item or contact her with comments about the news digest, please send an email to:

Foresight Nanotech Institute is located in Menlo Labs in the Menlo Business Park, in Menlo Park, California. Our space is a generous donation from Tarlton Properties. If you are seeking space for your nanotechnology or biotechnology company, please contact them at

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