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Foresight Institute Prize Descriptions and Applications

Foresight Institute awards are the premier prizes in nanotechnology. In alignment with our mission, these awards and prizes recognize students, researchers, journalists and governmental officials who use their influence to advance the acceptance and achievement of molecular nanotechnology (MNT).

Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes: Experimental and Theory

The Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes are given in two categories, one for experimental and the other for theory in advances in nanotechnology. Established in 1993, the Foresight Feynman Prizes in nanotechnology are given to researchers whose recent work have most advanced the achievement of Feynman's goal for nanotechnology: the construction of atomically-precise products through the use of molecular machine systems.

Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes Instructions for 2017.

2017 Feynman Prize

Previously awarded Feynman Prizes

Foresight Institute Feynman Grand Prize

Foresight Institute established the Feynman Grand Prize in 1996 to motivate scientists and engineers to design and construct a functioning nanoscale robotic arm with specific performance characteristics. This $250,000 incentive prize was named after Dr. Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winner in Physics, whose original goal for nanotechnology — systems of molecular machines building with atomic precision, is the guiding vision of long-term nanotechnology.

Further Grand Prize information can be found here; the application is located here.

Foresight Institute Distinguished Student Award

The Foresight Distinguished Student Award was established in 1997 and is given to a college undergraduate or graduate student whose work is notable in the field of nanotechnology. This award is primarily intended to allow a winning student to attend Foresight Institute's research conference.

Foresight Institute Distinguished Student Award Instructions for 2017.

The 2017 Distinguished Student Award. The award will be presented at the next Foresight Workshop.

Previously awarded Distinguished Student Awards

Foresight Institute Prize in Communication

The Foresight Institute Prize in Communication recognizes outstanding journalistic or other communication endeavors that lead to a better public understanding of molecular nanotechnology and its high social and environmental impact. This prize was created to encourage continued responsible coverage of molecular nanotechnology as a means for engaging the public in dialogue leading to improved public policy on this important issue. This prize was established in 2000 and was last awarded in 2007.

2007 Prize in Communication winner

Previously awarded Communication Prizes

Foresight Institute Government Prize

The Foresight Institute Government Prize, established in 2005, is given periodically to a government official who has used the influence of their office to advance beneficial nanotechnology and encourage the funding of molecular nanotechnology research.

2005 Foresight Institute Government Prize Winner

More Information

For more information on Foresight Institute's prizes, click here.


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