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June 1, 2006: Foresight Nanotech Institute Seeks Nominations for Communication Prize

Expands Guidelines to Include Podcasts on Nanotechnology

Palo Alto, CA -- June 1, 2006 -- Foresight Nanotech Institute, the leading think tank and public interest organization focused on nanotechnology, has expanded its submission categories for the Foresight Institute Prize in Communication to include podcasts. The Prize is given for nonfiction communication on nanotechnology in any print, electronic, broadcast or other communications medium, including, books, periodicals, internet sites and services, and radio, film and video productions.

Established in 2000 and underwritten by the law firm of Millstein & Taylor, PC, the Foresight Institute Prize in Communication recognizes outstanding communication endeavors that promote a better understanding of molecular nanotechnology and its potentially transformative impact on society and the environment. The prize was created to encourage careful, thoughtful and responsible coverage of molecular nanotechnology as a means for engaging the public in informed dialogue on this subject and on the issues it raises.

The deadline for prize submissions is June 30, 2006. The winner will be announced at nanoTX ’06, an exhibition and conference to be held in Dallas, Texas, on September 27-28, 2006. In addition to the Prize in Communication, Foresight confers the prestigious Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes and the Foresight Institute Distinguished Student Award.

“We established this communication prize to promote technically accurate, carefully thought out and balanced writing and media coverage of nanotechnology – including its science and technology and its impacts on our world – both actual and prospective,” said Larry Millstein, Ph.D., founder and managing attorney of prize sponsor Millstein & Taylor. “The goal is to encourage authors to inform both specific audiences and the general public about advanced nanotechnology and how it is or it might impact society. We hope the prize will encourage the information flow and informed debate that will better allow society to develop and harness the full promise of molecular technology and, at the same time, avoid the hazards it may pose and the harms it might do”

“We have expanded the guidelines for prize submission to include the most cutting-edge communication media,” said Christine Peterson, Co-Founder and Vice President of Public Policy at Foresight Nanotech Institute. “Education comes in many forms. Foresight’s goal is to guide nanotechnology so it is used for the benefit of all.”

Past recipients of the Foresight Institute Prize in Communication include: Rocky Rawstern, nanotechnology editor of Nanotechnology Now; Howard Lovy, nanotechnology journalist and editor of the popular blog, NanoBot; Tim Harper and Paul Holister of Cientifica; David Pescovitz, writer-in-residence at the University of California, Berkeley's College of Engineering and technology journalist; Ivan Amato, associate editor of Science News: and Ron Dagani, Senior Correspondent for Chemical & Engineering News.

To be considered for a prize, please apply online at this web link:

About Foresight Nanotech Institute

Foresight Nanotech Institute is the leading think tank and public interest organization in nanotechnology. Founded in 1986, our mission is to ensure the beneficial implementation of nanotechnology. Foresight provides balanced, accurate and timely information to help society understand nanotechnology through publications, guidelines, public policy activities, roadmaps, prizes, conferences, discussion forums and networking events.

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